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Our Affiliates
Our Affiliates are here to assist and guide you through the credit restoration process as well. Click the links below to receive a special discounted offer.
(Click on to gain a more in-depth description)

With Smart Credit you will receive a true credit monitoring experience.

  • Tired of logging in to multiple accounts to track your monthly statements on credit cards, Bank cards, installment loans or when monthly bills are due?
  • Need peace of mind to know you and your household are covered due to Fraud and identity theft?
  • Need a better understanding of how to boost your score, what is affecting your score and what negative accounts are holding you back?

(Click on to gain a more in-depth description.)

With Rent Reporters the average person will boost their credit score by 40-50 points. Why use "Rent Reporters"?

  • Buying a home soon? Fannie Mae and other home lenders are starting to accept positive rent reporting as qualifications in your home loan process.
  • Have a goal in mind where a boost in your credit score will be needed when applying for a general loan?
  • Do you just want to see your scores increase as fast as possible and have little to no payment history?